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來源:http://www.chummy88.com/ 日期:2021-09-08 發(fā)布人: 瀏覽次數(shù):0
Energy conservation and consumption reduction are continuously promoted. Under this background, the waste gas management of maleic anhydride manufacturing industry has become the top priority of the manufacturing industry; In China's Yangtze River Delta region, it is an explicit rule that the new maleic anhydride consumption and manufacturing project under construction must be equipped with relevant maleic anhydride waste gas management equipment, and then adhere to the stable environmental protection standard of benzene containing waste gas. Otherwise, the establishment of the project has not been reviewed.
Maleic anhydride
In order to reasonably prevent and control the environmental pollution damage of maleic anhydride organic waste gas, some maleic anhydride companies in China have tried to rectify the benzene containing organic waste gas, but due to the complex processing technology, there is no perfect and reasonable remediation technology. According to statistics, although capitalist countries have improved remediation technology and weapons, and control organic waste gas environmental pollution according to catalytic reaction combustion disposal, the price of imported technology is relatively expensive. Some time ago, when some companies fundamentally established more than 10000 tons of maleic anhydride consumption lines, the investment in consumer manufacturing equipment projects was more than 6 million, while the investment in projects introducing maleic anhydride waste gas management technology and weapon equipment exceeded more than 10 million yuan.
In addition, when disposing of maleic anhydride organic waste gas based on catalytic reaction combustion, the operation cost is also shocking due to the addition of natural materials such as gas and vegetable oil. Taking the new project with an annual output of 20000 tons of maleic anhydride as an example, the waste gas management consumes 1640 cubic meters of gas per hour, and the annual operation cost reaches more than 16 million yuan, forming a relatively serious loss for the company.

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