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來源:http://www.chummy88.com/ 日期:2020-07-09 發(fā)布人: 瀏覽次數(shù):0
Isolate the contaminated area and set up warning signs around it. It is recommended that emergency treatment personnel wear gas masks and chemical protective clothing. Do not directly contact with the leakage, use a clean shovel to collect it in a dry and clean container with a cover and transport it to the waste disposal site. In case of large amount of leakage, it should be collected and recycled or discarded after harmless treatment
Skin contact: take off contaminated clothes immediately and rinse with plenty of flowing water for at least 15 minutes. See a doctor.
眼睛接觸:立即提起眼瞼,用大量流動(dòng)清水或生理鹽水徹底沖洗少15分鐘 就  醫(yī)。
Eye contact: lift the eyelid immediately and wash thoroughly with plenty of flowing water or normal saline for at least 15 minutes.
Inhalation: quickly leave the site to fresh air. Keep the respiratory tract unobstructed. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. If breathing stops, perform artificial respiration immediately. See a doctor.
食入:用水漱口,給飲牛奶或蛋清 就  醫(yī)。
Ingestion: gargle with water and see a doctor for milk or egg white.
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